Belle Ridge Monroe
Belle Ridge Monroe Belle Ridge Dave x Belle Ridge Patsy Cline 2H Lilac Ram born 5/4/22 JSBA#C045-23
Cold Valley Cinnabar
Cold Valley Cinnabar Cold Valley Cinnabar born March 7, 2023 JSBA #B075-23 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Carmen. Yearling ram out of one of our better ewe lines.
Cold Valley Marigold
Cold Valley Marigold Cold Valley Marigold 2H ewe lamb born 2/28/2024 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Miranda
Cold Valley Murphy
Cold Valley Murphy Cold Valley Murphy 2H ram lamb born 2/28/2024 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Miranda
Cold Valley Adeline
Cold Valley Adeline Cold Valley Adeline 2H ewe lamb born 3/7/2024 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Azure
Cold Valley Angus
Cold Valley Angus Cold Valley Angus twin ram lamb born 3/7/2024 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Azure
Cold Valley Phlox
Cold Valley Phlox Cold Valley Phlox twin ewe lamb born 3/6/2024 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Perseus
Cold Valley Sage
Cold Valley Sage Cold Valley Sage 2H ewe lamb twin born 2/26/2024 Belle Ridge Monroe x Cold Valley Sagittarius
Cold Valley Arbutus
Cold Valley Arbutus Cold Valley Arbutus 2H twin lilac ewe lamb born 2/23/2024 Belle Ridge Monroe x Cold Valley Anna
Cold Valley Amber
Cold Valley Amber Cold Valley Amber yearling ewe born 3/11/2023 Cold Valley Ouzel x Coild Valley Ariel JSBA #FF046-23
Cold Valley Citrine
Cold Valley Citrine Cold Valley Citrine yearling ewe born 3/20/2023 JSBA #FF047-23 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Carolina
Cold Valley Marble
Cold Valley Marble Cold Valley Marble yearling ewe born 2/26/2023 JSBA #B069-23 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Miranda
Cold Valley Mandarin
Cold Valley Mandarin Cold Valley Mandarin yearling ram born 3/15/23 Kreutzer Farms Kenworth x Cold Valley Man

Sheep For Sale

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