Skull 7
Skull 7 This unique skull has all sorts of character, and will be a fun conversation starter! Overall width (span) is 19", overall height is 12", depth is 11". Upper right horn is approx. 17" long. Right lateral is approx. 13" long. The fused left horns are approx. 16" long. As you might imagine, this one was a bit tricky to measure! $425
Skull 6
Skull 6 We joke about the rams being "buttheads," but head-butting can have very real consequences. As you can see, this poor fellow took a serious blow to his left jaw, which ultimately led to his early demise. We miss him, and appreciate his magnificent skull with sturdy, wide sweeping striped horns. He also left us with a lovely pelt (see Pelt 5). Overall width (span) is 25", overall height is 8.5", depth is 12". Horns are approx. 23 and 26 inches long. $455
Skull 12
Skull 12 This 2-horn skull has an overall width (span) of 12"; overall height is 7.5", depth is 11.5". Horns are approx. 19" long, with a very nice curl. $225
Skull 5
Skull 5 Overall width is 16.5", overall height is 8.5", depth is 10". Horns are 19.5 and 20.5" long. $335
Skull 8
Skull 8 Overall width (span) is 15", overall height is 7", depth is 9". Horns are both approx. 18" long. $335
Skull 14
Skull 14 A fun 4-horn with forward tilting upper horns, this is a compact and well-balanced skull. Overall width (span) is 12", overall height is 11.5", depth is 8". Upper horns are approx. 9" and 8.5" long. Laterals are approx. 8.5" and 7.5" long. The jaw bones have separated. $385
Skull 11
Skull 11 A goofy 4-horn skull with attitude and an intact jaw bone. Overall width (span) is 10.5", height is 12", depth is 12.5". Upper horns are approx. 12" long. The left lateral is approx. 7" long, and the bent right lateral is approx. 8". $425

Skull prices include free shipping

Horn measurements are from the base of the horn bud to the tip of the horn sheath, following the outer edge of the curve. Note that dimensions are approximate and may vary, depending on how the skull is positioned.

Unless otherwise noted, skulls will be shipped with sheaths removed and marked to help you match them to the correct horn bud.

Our skulls are from animals that didn't meet the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association standards for registration and needed to be culled from our flock, or otherwise met an untimely demise. We appreciate all parts of the animals!

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